Ingredients for home beer

The Prolitech company offers financially profitable to buy malt, hops, brewer's yeast for making beer at home or at a mini-factory. We sell high-quality ingredients that will enrich the taste of the drink, give it a unique taste notes, a pronounced aroma.


Ukraine cannot yet be called a beer country. But even today, thanks to fans and true connoisseurs, businessmen who decided to invest in brewing, the number of small drinking establishments where high-quality beer is brewed has increased significantly even compared to their number five years ago.

Helping the spread of the brewing business is the interest of companies that sell microbreweries, in an excellent end result. For example, Prolitekh offers its clients:

  • full information support of production,
  • training of personnel to work on the equipment,
  • contract for the regular supply of ingredients.

Without high-quality components, even the most high-tech complex will not be able to brew delicious beer. The production uses water, malt, hops, yeast. These are the traditional ingredients needed for brewing intoxicating.


Original recipes include the addition of honey, spices. But without the components listed above, you still can not do. It is their ratio, the use of different varieties that makes it possible to create exclusive tastes. There are hundreds of combinations. So what should be such important components?


How to choose the right malt, yeast and hops for home brewing

The preparation of high-quality foam involves mixing in certain proportions and according to a special method four main products:

  • Water

In brewing, only soft water purified from impurities and salts is allowed. Therefore, brewery owners purchase special filtration systems. 

  • Malt

For the manufacture of base malts, special brewing barley (barley malt), wheat (wheat malt) or rye (rye malt) is used. The grain is cleaned of foreign suspensions and debris, soaked for 48 hours for further germination on special grates. After 3-4 days, the grains give shoots and roots. After that, they are loaded into the drying chamber. It is at this stage that the type of future malt is chosen, it can be basic light, be lightly roasted, caramel, burnt or even sour. For light - germinated grain is dried at 50-80C, for dark - at 110C. After drying, the roots and sprouts are removed, and the resulting malt mass is aged for up to 6 weeks.

  • Hop

Hops provide intoxicating drink with the ability to be stored. It also gives it bitterness, characteristic hop aroma and taste. 

  • Yeast

They are called the most difficult and important "additive" in the process of brewing beer. It is the yeast that causes the mixture to ferment and foam.


All these components play an important role in the technological cycle. If at least one of them does not meet the standards, the result may be unpredictable.


But not all private breweries can afford the preparation of raw materials in their own conditions. It is much more reliable and efficient to buy brewer's yeast, ready-made malt, etc.


Buy a set for brewing beer in Ukraine

We sell not only full-cycle equipment, but also high-quality raw materials, without which it is impossible to produce hop products. We invite companies that have put production on stream to conclude an agreement for the regular supply of the necessary ingredients. Also, individuals preparing intoxicating drinks for family and friends can order a one-time batch of components of the required volume. Find out details by phone.


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