Spice set for Cranberry Vodka (3 l)

Spice set for Cranberry Vodka (3 l)

Spice set for Cranberry Vodka (3 l)
209 UAH
Product code: 8142
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About product

About product Spice set for Cranberry Vodka (3 l)

Pour the spices from the set into a container and pour 3.6 liters of alcohol with a strength of 40%.

Insist 7 days in a warm dark place.

Filter and dilute the infusion at 30% strength.

Overtake the infusion in the strength of 45-50% in the stream.

The resulting product is diluted with water to a strength of 40%.

To soften, add a tablespoon of sugar (preferably in the form of syrup).

After 2-3 days of rest, the drink will be ready.


Features Spice set for Cranberry Vodka (3 l)

Properties Features
Spice set type Spices for vodka

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