Wi-Fi модуль для работы с минипивоварней Braumeister в режиме online (онлайн). Минипивоварня Braumeister, комплектующие к минипиоварне Braumeister в Киеве и Украине по низким ценам, доставка в Днепр, Харьков, Винница, Чернигов, Сумы, Одесса, Львов

Wi-Fi module for the Braumeister brewery

Wi-Fi module for the Braumeister brewery

Wi-Fi module for the Braumeister brewery
Предназначен для работы с пивоварнями Braumeister в онлайн режиме
6179.18 UAH
Product code: 77455
В наличии
brand: SPEIDEL
About product

About product Wi-Fi module for the Braumeister brewery

Designed to work with Braumeister breweries online. Allows you to remotely, using a smartphone or laptop, create and edit beer recipes, track the status of the process and make adjustments during brewing. With the Wi-Fi module, you can effortlessly install the latest software updates for your Braumeister.

The Wi-Fi module from Spidel is compatible with Braumeister 10/20/50/200/500L breweries from 2016 onwards.


The manufacturer takes care of you and your hobby, and for this he created a new online product My Speidel. A brewer's calculator has been added to My Speidel personal account, which allows you to calculate, based on the model of your Braumeister, the color, bitterness, and the estimated alcohol content of your future beer. You can use existing and generate your own recipes for your favorite product. All recipes can be easily downloaded to your Braumeister directly from your personal account using the Wi-Fi module.


