Copper moonshine still 5l 3 inches

Copper moonshine still 5l 3 inches

Copper moonshine still 5l 3 inches
Set: distillation cube, aroma column with cooler, clamp, sieve, adapter, thermometer, water hose, instructions.
14560 UAH
Product code: 19216
available in stock
About product

About product Copper moonshine still 5l 3 inches

Copper moonshine still 5 l 3 inches

This compact copper still with a 3-inch clamp is an excellent choice for beginner distillers looking for a quality and versatile unit.


  • Unique design: Different from analogues on the market. 
  • Copper material: Provides high thermal conductivity and improves the taste of the distillate. 
  • Aroma Column: Allows you to add aromas to your distillate. 
  • Suitable for flavoring. Can be used to flavor finished alcohol. 
  • Compact size Easy to place on any stovetop. 
  • Quick distillation: Get 0.7l of 40% alcohol in one distillation. 


  • Yield: 0.7 l alcohol 40% 
  • Weight: 3.5 kg 
  • Dimensions: 38×28×24 cm 
  • Material: Copper 
  • Solder: Silver 
  • Thickness: 1mm 
  • Diameter (clamp): 3 inches 
  • Height: 44 cm 
  • Width: 30 cm 
  • Column capacity: 0.76 l 
  • Volume: 5 liters 


  • High quality distillate: Copper absorbs impurities, improving taste and smell. 
  • Easy to assemble and clean. 
  • Versatility: Suitable for distilling various brews and flavoring ready-made drinks. 
  • Possibility of improvement: A dephlegmator can be added. 


  • The yield of moonshine from mash depends on many factors, such as raw materials, yeast, hydraulic modules and distillation technology.
  • For best results, it is recommended to use a reflux condenser.

Features Copper moonshine still 5l 3 inches

Properties Features
Moonshine still type Copper moonshine apparatus
Volume 5l
Clamp 3"

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