Oak chips French oak coarse fraction medium roasted 100 g

Oak chips French oak coarse fraction medium roasted 100 g

Oak chips French oak coarse fraction medium roasted 100 g
Oak chips French oak coarse fraction medium roasted 100 g
100 UAH
Product code: 20151
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About product

About product Oak chips French oak coarse fraction medium roasted 100 g

Oak chips French oak coarse fraction medium roasted (100 g)
Adding oak chips to your distillates will add a variety of flavors and complexity.
French oak cod is softer and has a more rounded woody character. French oak chips are prized for their sweet, spicy flavors including cinnamon and allspice, and while they have more flavor compounds and tannins, they have less of an "oaky" character.
DOSAGE:  From 7 to 15 g per 1 liter of wine, beer, cider or distillate.
Ripening time: from 2 to 6 months. It is recommended to add it to wine or beer after fermentation.

Width: 13
Height: 4
Lenghth: 20
Weight: 0.11

Features Oak chips French oak coarse fraction medium roasted 100 g

Properties Features
Product type Oak chips

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